A reading space, everyone can enjoy. Read how it happened...

What happened?

Last year the PTFA applied for the Tesco Bags of Help scheme, requesting funds for a new library in the infant school. A successful application meant we we were entered in to the scheme where you drop plastic tokens in to a project of your choice after shopping. Tesco have 16 stores in and around Reading and whoever gets the most tokens, gets the full amount of their project application.

How much did we get?

We requested £3,500 and got the most tokens across a 2 month period! Result.

We received £2,750 straight away with the project requirements stating you have a a year from the date of the award to complete and submit evidence, before receiving the remaining amount. On top of this the PTFA committee voted to give the school an extra £1000 specifically for new books.

Who designed it?

The school, led by Mrs Rostron and Miss Buck, set about ordering the furniture and books which arrived in the last week of term. The PTFA decorated the whole room in magnolia to freshen it up, alongside getting rid of staples and bluetack built up over the years! Bookshelves were built, pegs and computer systems moved, rugs unveiled and the new books were put in place.

Part of the bid stated we would create some sort of mural on one of the walls. This was completed on Saturday 24th Aug 2019 by Ben Sidwell (professional artist) and we'd like to thank him for all his hard work - it looks amazing! (Miss Buck has been tasked with writing 'Once upon a time' on the scroll)

The result is a fantastic new space for everyone to use and includes a 'quiet corner' for the times children would like a bit of downtime.